CHENNAI: Thirukkural, in digital format, along with Kalaigner Karunanidhi’s explanatory note from his “Kuralovium”, has hit the market. Cast in micro chip, the world book of knowledge will capture the present-day global Tamils who are obsessed with western music and computers. . It comes with an attractive design with Thiruvalluvar’s idol and user friendly operation.
Madura Corp, manufacturers of chanting boxes 9 in one, 18 in one, 36 in one, 54 in one, 72 in one, ultimante chanters and madura mantra extreme chanter, under the brand name madura mantra, have now launched ‘Digital Tirukkural’ microchip that can recite all the 1330 couplets of the legendary Tamil savant Tiruvalluvar. It also has explanations in contemporary Tamil.
‘Kalaimamani’ Mutharasi Ravi, general manager, Madura Corp, said she had developed the idea based on the highly popular ‘digital Bible’ introduced in Denmark about a year ago. Her ‘path-breaking’ product that took two years to develop.
“All the three chapters of Aram (deeds), Porul (wealth) and Inbam (pleasure) comprising 133 chapters and holding 1330 kurals have been recorded in song pattern followed by Kalaignar’s explanatory notes,’ says Ms Mutharasi, explaining. She is the daughter of ‘Murasoli’ Sornam, Kalaigner Karunanidhi’s nephew.
The highpoint of the microchip, bearing the ceramic figure of Saint Tiruvalluvar, is that along with the couplet of choice, the user will be able to hear the kurals rendered by Sirkazhi Sivachidambaram. It also contains explanatory notes by Saradha Nambi Arurun, and reading from Kalaignar Urai, penned by DMK chief minister Karunanidhi.
The chip-player allows the user to switch between the desired athikarams (chapters) through the nine-hour rendering. Ms Mutharasi is confident that the microchip would be a great hit amid the 80 million Tamils across the globe — particularly the youth since it has ‘great’ music composed by Sikkil B. Balasubramaniam.
Sirkazhi Sivachidambaram says he worked for six months to match ragas for the 133 adhikarams. “Each adhikaram has been sung in a particular raga. I chose the ragas and experimented them on the various couplets,” he says. Digital ‘Thirukkural’ is priced Rs 3,000, and is available on enquiry to www.thirukkuraldigital .com or it can be ordered through 94449 90152.
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