By Gopal Ethiraj, Chennai
CHENNAI, 12 July (asiantribune.com): Here’s a doctor tinkering with the mind and sub conscious mind. That is the method of his new treatment. .He takes a stressed person to trance level and does something to de-stress. And the person’s distress is disturbed, he is de-stressed. In his system of treatment there is no medicine; he meddles with the mind, registers some message he wants to, and the patient is cured.
Dr. Rishi Tiwari calls his treatment “trance therapy” and he has been practicing trance therapy for the past nine years. There are certain sickness where medicine wont work, alternative medicine will. Dr. Rishi discovered this cure, and he has been healing several cases of stress and its related problems with remarkable success.
R.Rishi says, “Stress is recognized as the twenty-first century disease. Stress is the root cause of most physical and mental maladies suffered by people of present-day technological world. Those who suffer stress go from pillar to post seeking a solution to their problem. They swallow pills, perform yoga asanas and meditate too. But all these gives temporary relief.”
When asked why it is so, Dr. Rishi explains: “The problem is partly due to mental make-up of a person and partly due to the way he or she reacts to the social environment around them. If the root cause is not found any solution found is superficial; and the stress returns with a great vengeance.”
Stress is the real killer, and it must be killed before it kills one, the doctor says. Where an individual has been under sustained stress for a long period of time, has suffered serious life crises, or has reached a stage of exhaustion and demoralization, then ‘breakdown’ may occur, he says. “This may show itself physically as a heart attack, angina or a stroke, or may show as ‘nervous’ or ‘mental’ breakdown.”
“Peace of Mind” is a proven skill to manage stress, according to him. “This helps us to remain calm and effective in high pressure situations, and also helps us to avoid the problems of long term stress.”
On his method of treatment he says, “ there are four patterns of brain wave—beta, alpha, theta and delta. ‘Beta’ level is conscious level. When a man is taken from ‘beta’ to ‘alpha’ level ( mild relaxed level) to ‘theta’ level (trance and tranquility level) the mind is in deep trance level, and the mind is receptive. At this level certain instruction is placed so that the cure is effective.”
In that receptive state of mind, the doctor says he implants positive messages and uses the technique of visualisation to change the software of the mind. Also a key word is registered so that one can practice himself, which is called auto command. “That key word acts as ‘password’ so that you must become your own guru. Must not be dependent on doctor all the time. You must be able to control yourself and learn to dispel at your will. This mental password will take you instantly into depths of your mind and switch off the triggers of the stress,” Dr. Rishi says.
He says ‘trance therapy’ can be used not only for changing thoughts, behaviour, attitudes and motivation structure, it can also be used for curing physical ailments that defy treatment through medicines, such as : sleep disorders, poor concentration, anxiety, sex problems, chronic headache, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers, irrational fears and phobias, stuttering, diabetes, etc.
Dr. Rishi is an experienced physician, having 36 years of illustrious professional career. He is an MBBS, DPH, M.Sc (Occupational Health), FICA (USA), MRSH (London). Hailing from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Rishi Tiwari went to Tanzania in Africa for practice where he spent 16 years. He was Director of Health with the Tanzania Government. The doctor was on general practice with specialization in Industrial health.
He came to India in 1990, and chose to settle in Chennai, where he started his own hospital with his wife Dr. Tanuja Tiwari and both were coming up with a successful practice. But Dr. Rishi had an inner call to try the alternative system of medicine, based on his encounter with a Gujrathi sage, Maharishi Manu in 1983 in Tanzania.
Dr. Rishi said, one day the sage from India walked to his diabetics camp in Tanzania, and said he could cure diabetes without medicine. In the midst of the camp the doctor silenced him. When he again said he can cure the diabetes, Dr.Rishi said he asked him to come the next day. He was given a patient who was on 20 units insulin to handle. The sage demonstrated the sugar level could be brought down by de-stressing and with his power of mind. And he also demonstrated his heart beat could be brought down while on trance—while the doctor monitored it came down from 80 to 60 to 50. Beyond that the doctor did not have courage to continue; whereas the sage challenged he could bring down to nil.
A rishi inspired Dr. Rishi found the “rishi moolam” (the secret of mind power). Dr. Rishi being from land of rishis (Madhya Pradesh), although with none to teach him on ascetic and mind sciences there, he was ruminating on that; his mind probing and unraveling the mystery of the mind. Back home in India, he bought more books on mind power and ancient yogic practice of meditation. The result was the ‘trance therapy’.
From the year 2000, Dr. Rishi switched over to the new system of cure for stress and its related ills. His specialization of this system of treatment is the first of the kind in the country. He had doubt in a country where peoples mind set on medicine for cure, his sans medicine treatment is going to click. But it did click. He is flooded with patients from all walks of life—from judiciary to government services. So far in nine years he has treated more than 7000 stressed cases.
From 2005 Dr. Rishi started group programmes where he goes on mass de-stressing to the stressed executives. He has given programmes to police officers, judiciary, fire service personnel, executives, journalists, corporate executives, et al. This has given him more popularity; he is known from ordinary official to the Governor. Besides this he is part of any health programme conducted by the Lions Club or any society, treating diabetes, ostoporosis, cardiac and general check ups.
Both husband and wife are Lions and into the Club movement and seen all positions including cabinet status. They have two prosperous sons, one of them is married.
Dr. Rishi holds a lot of testimonies from the top echelons—all are big names.
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